February 25, 2014

Death Note

I've read this comic many times and never get bored. Already since 2008 and just remembered to make a review on Goodreads. I also have already watch the movie in the human version and the anime version. I prefer the anime version because it fits with the comic. While in the human version there are some changes that I don’t like and certainly part of the cut very much. In the anime version more explained in detail.

Death Note, know right ? The book of death owned by the Shinigami. This story begins with a Shinigami named Ryuk dropped his book to the human world and is found by Light Yagami. Light is a teenage high school, smart and genius. He was handsome and the son of a Chief of Police.

NB : Anyone who touches the Death Note can see Shinigami. Ryuk likes to eat apples in the human world. Shinigami will always follow wherever the owner of the Death Note go.

How to use the Death Note ? Just write someone's name in the Death Note paper, picturing his face. Then the person will die within 40 seconds of a heart attack. But, if the written details, must be written within 6 minutes 40 seconds the details of his death. Death can be arranged in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the Death Note within a period of 23 days. But, all the details of his death would occur if that makes sense. The owner of the Death Note can make a deal with Shinigami eyes. If the owner wanted the Shinigami eyes, Death Note owner will lose half of the rest of his life. By having the eyes of a Shinigami, Death Note owners can find out the name of the person and the rest of his life just by looking at the person. But, the owner of the Death Note can not see the rest of the life of the person who also has a Death Note. The owner can release ownership of the Death Note. And the Death Note owner will lose memory of the Death Note.

Well, Light uses the Death Note to kill criminals. Light had the ambition to create a safe world, his world. He began writing the names of criminals blindly. Light started killing people who hinder him. Many people who end up dead. I thought, Light is a psychopath. Regarding the presence of Light, now people call those who kill the criminals as Kira. There are pros and cons of course .

Police began to join forces with the CIA and FBI as well as L to catch Kira. L was an intelligent and genius. L is famous as a detective who is able to solve cases that are not able to be solved by the police. However, L and Kira, never expose himself to anyone .

The more exciting when Light and L finally get into the same university. University To-oh. L introduced his name as Ryuga Hizaki or invoked Ryuzaki. Remarkably, from the beginning Ryuzaki was already suspect that if Light is Kira. They both look like each other to get information. But, Light can not kill because Ryuzaki not his real name. 

Go to another story. Misa Amane is a beautiful girl, a famous artist and childish. She's lived alone since her parents were killed by robbers and the robber was killed by Kira. Misa really wanted to meet with Kira.

One day, when Misa is being pursued by a stalker, a sudden she finds the Death Note . The owner of the Death Note was named Rem. Rem love Misa. And he is will do anything for Misa. Misa got the Eyes of Shinigami. So, if Light bring Misa to meet L , Misa will know the name of L and L will die .

Misa finally caught and accused of being the Second Kira. Misa and Kira detained by L. Misa release of her ownership of the Death Note by request of Light. After a week they were locked up, Light release its ownership of the Death Note. Misa and Light forgot their memories about the Death Note.

Within two weeks they were locked up, eventually criminals start dying again. That is, the Death Note already fallen into the hands of someone else. Until of 50 days, Misa and Kira finally freed by L. However, L is still suspicious. From here, I start like Light again. He's back to being the Light once before met Death Note. 

Light is controlling Death Note of Rem for given the bad guy. But, he is caught by L and Light. Light touch the Death Note again, and his memories about Death Note back. And that's when he realized his plan was in line with what he wants. Light asked Misa holding Death Note, and she returned her memories of the Death Note. Light asks Misa to write the name of the L in Death Note. Unfortunately, Misa have forgotten the name of the original of L. For the sake of Light, Misa transact eyes with Ryuk who is the owner of the Death Note. The age's Misa now reduced by half again from the rest of her life. I think, Misa is really stupid and reckless . 

Light changed his plans. L eventually killed by Rem on demand of Light. L died :(

Light it was really crazy. Psychopaths. He killed his father and his friends.

After the death of L, which replaces of L was Kira. But, then appears Near and Mello that also genius. They join forces to defeat the Light. And in the end, Light lost and he died when Ryuk writing Light name in his Death Note. Done. I'm satisfied. Kira DIED! 

I like this book so much and I will give 5 stars for this book. Thank you for reading my review :)
Posted by: caecilia
CS.Com Updated at: February 25, 2014

February 12, 2014

Concealer Pond's

Untuk pertama kalinya saya akan mereview tentang kosmetik dan yang akan saya pilih untuk di review adalah Concealer Pond's yang baru saja saya beli. Oia, sebenarnya saya niatnya membeli Concealer Maybeline karena saya sudah jatuh cinta sama brand yang satu ini. But, setelah keliling tidak ketemu juga dan memang susah mencarinya. Kalaupun ada pasti stock nya kosong. Sama SPG giant saya ditawarkan merk Pond's. Agak ragu sih awalnya. Setelah nimbang-nimbang, saya masukkan juga ke keranjang belanja saya. Harganya cuma 26 ribu. Jauh dibanding Maybeline yang harganya di atas 50 ribu.
Ketika tiba di rumah, saya langsung  melakukan uji coba. Dan hasilnya, jreng jreng. Bagus :) Saya suka. Bisa menyamarkan flek hitam atau kantung mata. Walaupun tidak benar-benar hilang, tapi lumayan kok hasilnya. Untuk hasil yang lebih baik harus dipoles dengan bedak yang warna kulit juga.

Concealernya berbentuk pen dan padat. Imut dan gampang di bawa ke mana-mana.

Saya kasih skor 7.5 / 10.

Tidak bisa memberikan perbandingan dengan merk lain. Soalnya ini Concealer pertama saya, hoho. Kalo ditanya apakah saya akan membeli lagi, maybe yes. Saya sudah pakai selama beberapa hari dan hasilnya oke-oke saja.

Bagi yang sedang Concealer, saya rekomendasikan untuk mencoba concelaer yang satu ini. Tapi yang namanya produk kosmetik itu beda-beda untuk masing-masing orang. Bisa saja saya cocok, tapi yang lain tidak cocok. So, jangan takut mencoba ya. Nanti kita akan tahu  kita cocok dengan produk apa saja.

Update 8 Agustus 2016 :
Sampai saat ini saya masih menggunakan concealer Ponds. So, dari sejak pertama kali saya beli (2014) sampai sekarang saya selalu membeli lagi dan lagi kalau sudah habis dan sudah tidak terhitung banyaknya concelaer ponds yang sudah saya pakai. Tidak membuat kulit saya iritasi padahal saya termasuk kulit yang sensitif. Tidak membuat wajah saya jerawatan juga. Pokoknya saya senang dengan concelaer dari Ponds. Concealernya selalu saya bawa ke manapun saya pergi dan untungnya memang bentuknya yang kecil dan praktislah buat di bawa. Dan bisa dibilang, concealer ponds ini salah satu kosmetik penting dan harus selalu ada di tas make up saya.
Posted by: caecilia
CS.Com Updated at: February 12, 2014
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